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  7. Department of Environment, Technology and Social Studies – RUC
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PhD Information

Environmental Science
Researcher Education Programme

The researcher education in Environmental Science at the Department is based on cooperation between a number of the departments at Roskilde University (Department of Life Sciences and Chemistry, Department of Geography and International Development Studies and Department of Environment, Technology and Social Studies) and some Government research institutes and educational institutions outside of the university. The objective of the programme is to elaborate the knowledge acquired by PhD students in their primary degrees and in any subsequent job. The aim is, moreover, to qualify the PhD student to carry out research at a high level of scholarship and to cooperate with other researchers in conducting cross-disciplinary analyses of environmental problems.

At The Department the objective of the researcher education programme is to qualify graduates to carry out research concerning changes caused by production in the relation between nature and society, and in how desired changes can be promoted by means of planning. The Department contributes to research training in Environmental Sciences in the following areas:

Landscape Ecological Planning: The interface between a natural scientific, a social scientific, and/or a political scientific analysis of impacts, planning, - and management of landscapes. Professor Peder Agger.

Scientific Techniques for Assessment of Environmental Impacts: Theories, methods, and procedures relevant to EIA and their implications for environment and management. Associate Professor Henning Schroll.

Environmental Toxicology: Studies on toxic and genotoxic effects of industrial waste water and waste water sludge using short-term test methods. Associate Professor Jette Rank.

For information about possibilities for PhD scholarships at the Department please read FAQ.
If you need further information You can contact:

Professor Peder Agger; Building 11.2. Phone: (+45) 4674 2498, e-mail:pa@teksam.ruc.dk
Secretary Anna Klysner, Building 11.2. Phone: (+45) 4674 2120, e-mail akl@teksam.ruc.dk

Marbjergvej 35, Box 260, ,
4000 Lejre, Sjælland
Kontakt: Professor Peder   Agger
Telefon: 4546742498

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