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  7. International Institute for Sustainable Future
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It is one of the leading global organizations committed to the cause of sustainable development in the world. Its main objectives are research, training, planning and working as advisors to governments, international organizations and corporation in the field of environment and sustainable development.
During the last 15 years, the institute, located in Mumbai, India, has worked in 32 countries in varied projects such as

* food development in Mexico,
* waste recycling in Malaysia,
* appropriate technology development in Sri Lanka,
* energy development in Kenya,
* water planning in Ghana,
* environment and epidemiology programs in Bangladesh,
* population programs in Egypt

besides innumerable projects in India, US, Germany, Japan and former Soviet Union.

Maharashtra, Indien, ,
400 021
Kontakt: Ph.D Rashmi Mayur
Telefon: 91 22 20 45 75 8
Fax: 91 22 28 51 25 0


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